Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#10 Image generators

This would be me in the land of Harry Potter dolls. I would have a great deal of use for that wand - it would help me remember all passwords and all the blogging lessons previously accomplished.

eLouai's Harry Potter doll maker Click on this icon to make your own doll.

There were so many generators to choose from - some quite rude and crude, but mostly they were a lot of fun. This is from Back to School Chalkboard Message generator which can be found at

My creation

Sunday, October 28, 2007

#8 & #9 rss feeds and bloglines

I have already spent too much time looking at the multitude of blogs and feeds out there just to see what is available to add to my bloglines account.
It's like a maze, never knowing what is around the next corner -
you find one interesting feed and look at the subscribers of that feed and then have a look at what other feeds they've subscribed to and so on. Pretty soon a lot of time has passed.
The beauty of bloglines is that after the initial outlay of time taken, to track down and subscribe to the feeds you want, time is ultimately saved.
My blogroll "What's happening?" is listed on the right.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#7 Technology

Where to start? Technology is all encompassing, it surrounds us everywhere. Children today take it all so for granted, everything they do today is so immediate and freely available. I'm still trying to get my head around a lot the things that they do - how do they know so much and when did THEY learn it.

Personally I love the camera, and now after learning about Flickr and all the artistic avenues one can go down, it becomes that much more exciting a field (and more time consuming.) I like the fact that you can make time stand still for that one brief moment, to be scrapbooked at a later date and have all those memories come flooding right back.
Cameras themselves have changed so much over the years. You take a photo of any little kid now, and straight away they ask to look at the picture - there's none of the waiting. It's all about instant gratification, with no having to wait HOWEVER LONG for the film to be finished or for it then to be taken to be developed.

Photography is also one thing that I have been able to teach the children and not the other way around - at least pre us getting a digital camera at any rate.

"A treasured memory."

Friday, October 5, 2007

Moon Over Highlands

Moon Over Highlands
Originally uploaded by ElliotSmith007
The moon has become synonymous with my Learning 2.0 adventure. It's amazing how quickly the time passes when you are just going to check out a few things on the internet.

Attempts at Flickr

Well I have spent so many more late nights checking out other people's very creative blogs and looking at flickr photo after flickr photo, that I have run out of steam to do my own creative? thing.

H E L/Lotz Funeral Home P

Luckily Webgurl has lots of information and links included in her blog. This has been sooo helpful to me as I keep losing my way through the maze of websites, images and addresses out there. Hers is a great example of how each weeks exercises are suppose to look. This in turn has made my understanding of them that much easier. Thanks Webgurl.