This is a great tool, especially for those of us who are casual and work in any number of branches. Before Del.icio.us you couldn't always have your "favourites" with you, but now VOILA, you can.
It was easy enough to check out PLCMCL2 and find out what people had bookmarked. By following various leads, you were able to be taken further and further away from your original spot, finding great things of interest along the way. You didn't have to remember how you got there - all you had to do was click on "save this" and add a few tags. When you need information on that topic again you'll have your list of tags to click on (especially necessary if your number of bookmarked items is huge) and all pertinent data will be there in front of you.
As a research tool, I can see Del.icio.us being quite useful as you are able to utilise what other people have already found. You may need to be careful however, as your research could go on and on and on as you follow links all over cyberspace.
I had to reread "Us.ef.ul : a beginner's guide to Del.icio.us" and "Several habits of wildly successful Del.icio.us users" a few times before I got it all. I did spend quite a bit of time trying to work out how to USE THE INBOX, which I think I succeeded at in the end (thanks to Google.) That is I added other users under "your network" and added tags under "subscriptions".
Lee LeFever's "Social bookmarking in plain English" on the other hand gave a succinct and interesting tutorial on the benefits of using Del.icio.us. He made this as entertaining as his introduction to Zombies!!
1 comment:
G'day bloggarazzo,
Congratulations on getting this far - just one final burst and you'll be up to number 23 in no time. Getting my head around del.icio.us has been worthwhile because I now use it at both work and home...... I no longer have to wonder about the name of that really great website I was looking at a couple of months ago on marketing in libraries which for some reason has slipped my mind because it is now tagged and loaded into del.icio.us.
Cheers, Paul.
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